quinta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2013


To talk about any kind of welfare is polemical. Why? Because, in any situation, there will be someone with bad intentions. These people can be the beneficiaries or the politicians.
In the USA, the program of food stamps does not necessarily waste the government resources because, in fact, most people really need that benefit. Nevertheless, a few beneficiaries are dishonest and take more welfare cards than they should.

In another case, an American politician argued that people spend their welfare in drugs and proposed a bill against this kind of behavior. However, it is not because a person is poor that he is necessarily going to use drugs. But, despite that, there are people that do that.

When we see cases like these, it is not impossible remember of “bolsa família” in Brazil and in its positive and negative effects and we always ask to ourselves: how long these people will live just with that welfare and if they are happy with this situation. After all whose fault is it?

Um comentário:

  1. A charge não me parece que funciona como analogia perfeita, pois no caso dos programas assistenciais os beneficiários sabem "nadar", mas não têm condições de fazê-lo, por inúmeras razões, daí a importância vital da "bóia"...
